Personalized Tax Organizer

Click here to download your personalized tax organizer. You will need to register through the email that was sent to you, and then enter your user name and password on the Customer Portal page.

If you did not receive an email requesting you to register, please let us know and we will send one to you.

If you are unable to (or prefer not to) download your forms please email us to get a copy of your tax forms by email or mail.


Options to forward your tax documents to us:

  1. Email to: [email protected]
  2. Fax to (303) 379-5394
  3. Upload to your Portal
  4. Upload to DropBox
  5. Mail to:

Lois Huston
1450 Ward Circle
Franktown, CO 80116

Huston Accounting Services LLC
1450 Ward Circle | Franktown, CO 80116